Friday 7 June 2013

Dreaming Diary Entry: June 7,2013

Hey There Dreamers! 

       I've decided making a diary section in my blog. idk I just feel like it. I hope you enjoy reading my life. This is my first entry. Wish me luck xo

      June 07,2013

           Today was a good day nothing important happened today. My mom is still very sad that my dad's coming home already. My dad just got into a accident his right knee was injured. Scattered Patella. He's coming home maybe next week we don't know yet. But I still don't like the idea of dad coming home. Why? Because he would not be helping because of his injury. Yes I love my dad very much. But I just wish that sometimes he would be careful and not be stupid at times. :( Well, anyway I don't want to talk about my dad anymore. It just makes me sad. Uhmmm.. This day was very normal. I'm very bored. I don't know what to do in my life anymore. I don't have any money left. And next next week is the start of my college days. Can I do college? I don't know what I'm going to do these coming days. :( This coming sunday we going to have a celebration for father's day. Yeah I know so early. lol :D But my grand-dad suggested we celebrate on saturday originally. but my aunt and her family have plans so we changed the date. I hope tomorrow will be a brand new day. Thinking what will be my life in college. Still can't believe  that I'm in college already, Am I ready? that question keeps on popping in my head. Why can't I be confident like the others? I'm afraid that I might have no friends. Eat alone. Still bugging the hell out of me. 

          Anyway enough about college and other things. My day started at 9am I don't eat breakfast. Trying to watch my weight :( I want to be sexy like lucy hale lol :D I'm still dreaming that :P jk lol. My mom and I ate sinigang and indian manggo for lunch. My favorite combination! yummmmmm :I As for my afternoon I just surfed the net for atleast 3hours then watched "The Addams Family" I love that movie so much especially Wednesday Adam which is played by Christina Ricci. While I was watching I was burning a few DVDs and CDs both movies and music. :D And I was downloading the house bunny. Another favorite movie of mine. :D wieeee.. My day was normal just like any other day of my summer. then DINNERTIME!!! Since I'm watching my weight I decide to eat just a Ham sandwich. yummyyy.... Then played some music by taylor swift ed sheeran and ofcourse 1D wooohhh! So now I'm writing this. After I write this I'm doing my night routine. Which is washing my very oily face then brushing my teeth then changing into my pajamas! then going to continue to read the wattpad story I'm reading which is... "SECRETLY MARRIED" weiiieeeee... HAHAHA. so yeah that's just my day. I told you I have a boring life. :D So I guess this is au revoir(goodbye in french) for now. BYE!!

What to do tomorrow? Still don't know. CONTINUE READING. 감사합니다 (thankyou in korean) Till next time dreamers xox

Good Luck and Have Fun Reading xox
Keep Dreaming Dreamers 


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